Traveling to Richmond to care for ill mother. At check in we were told the elevator was broken. It had been for over 3 weeks. We had to carry our luggage outside the main building to a stairwell, which was unsecured and unlocked and walk up to our floor. With our luggage. My first room was on the fifth floor. I asked to be switched to a lower floor because of mobility issues. I would switch to the second floor, where the room had brown stains on the duvet cover hair in the shower and the shower was wet, and there was leftover food in the refrigerator from previous guest. The room also had a layer of dust on higher areas. A woman came up, who said she was from the kitchen, handed her sheets and said she was not certified to change the bed. She removed the food. Venus was very understanding and I am working with her and the third-party booking agent for a refund. I’m not sure how this hotel stays open though with ADA certifications and laws as nobody with a walker, crutches, or scooter or wheelchair would be able to access their room.