Fiji calls to mind visions of swaying palms, golden-sand beaches and endless blue skies – and this is exactly what attracts most visitors. The country is made up of more than 300 islands, strung out in the South Pacific. Most Fijians live on the main island of Viti Levu, but visitors should certainly head to smaller islands to experience the Fijian way of life first-hand. The people are warm and genuine, the seafood is fantastically fresh, and the rich waters are home to incredible sea life, so grab a snorkel and mask at the first opportunity.

The capital, Suva, is an increasingly modern city, and there are even traffic jams on rare occasions. On weekends, head to the rugby stadium or browse market stalls with the locals before you head back to the beach for more rest and relaxation.

Qué ver y hacer en Fiji

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Qué comer y dónde en Fiji

  • 10 Best Local Dishes From Fiji

    Fiji, in the South Pacific, is famous for its snorkelling and scuba diving, but it’s also home to a delicious culinary culture which shines through local dishes. Fijian cuisine is an exciting blend of indigenous ingredients and a diverse range of culinary traditions from Polynesia, Melanesia, India and China. The fertile land and abundant waters surrounding the archipelago provide a tempting...

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