2/10 Κακό
18 Οκτωβρίου 2024
A man punched me inside my room when he tried to sleep in the bed I was assigned to. I said I was calling the police and the Italian chased me down the hall pulling down his pants saying explicit words. The staff wouldn’t call the police and basically defended him and said we didn’t see it so nothing we can do. I asked them to watch the video of him pulling down his pants in the hall chasing me and they did they didn’t have time. Absolute disgrace and very u safe place. My bags were moved from next to the bed and also my charger in the bed had been removed. I’m not sure why the men thought he could sleep there but this man needs to be in jail and the hostel protected him. He made the whole room feel very unsafe.
Kyle, ταξίδι 2 διανυκτερεύσεων
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