I just returned from one week vacation and this resort hotel I will list the stuff I liked about it and the stuff I did not like: this is big resort, hotel with magnificence interior and spacious rooms, swimming pools, private beach, excellent buffet every day is the thing I like about it. And there’s a few things I didn’t like.
You can’t control the AC in your room. It is disabled and it’s controlled by the hotel. I stayed seven nights and some nights I needed to turn the fan on to get outside air and I was not able to so the air inside the room becomes bad and stuffy, which forced me to open the balcony door to get some fresh air but the air outside cold so you have two options either you keep the balcony door shut and breathe bad stuffed air or open the balcony and get cold because you can I turn the fan forget about heat and cooling just turning the fan on to get fresh air was not available. I checked my oxygen level on my Apple Watch at night It was 93 which is low because I keept the balcony door close I thought this is because the hotel trying to save money on electricity.
Bed mattresses are firm, not comfortable, i stayed at the CHER hotel in istanbul last year with the most comfortable mattresses in the world, I love the hotel because I loved the mattresses there. Bring your shampoo with you because the shampoo provided by the hotel is low quality, especially for ladies. If you are coming from the US bring power adapter with you