Calabria is a region in southwest Italy offering rugged mountains, ancient villages, dramatic coastal views and many immaculate beaches as well as museums and family attractions. The largest city in the region is Reggio Calabria. It’s home to the Riace Bronzes, statues of Greek warriors that date to the 5th century BCE, as well as the Museo Archeologico Nazionale where you will see hundreds of artefacts from thousands of years past.

Other adventures in the region include mountain hikes at Aspromonte National Park, Sila National Park and the Pollino mountain peaks. Santuario di Santa Maria dell’Isola di Tropea combines nature and beaches with a towering fortress hosting a museum and garden. Popular beaches include Spiaggia dell’Arcomagno and Spiaggia di Grotticelle. Island Dino offers the opportunity to explore limestone cliffs and deep caves. For family fun and adventure, AcquaPark Odissea 2000 is a huge water park that includes pools, water slides and thrill rides as well as games and family entertainment.

Calabria: Τι να δείτε και τι να κάνετε

Κύριες ιστορίες και ενδιαφέροντα άρθρα

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